Digital Strategy

Kodak demonstrates why brands should tread carefully with blockchain initiatives

Fueled by the dramatic rise and, more recently, fall in prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether, the blockchain is all the buzz.

While some believe that cryptocurrencies are in a bubble the likes of which the world has never before seen, many, including major companies in a variety of industries, also believe that the blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies has legitimate and meaningful uses that could benefit if not revolutionize the way they do business.

Is the new Amazon Go the future of brick-and-mortar retail?

More than any other company, Amazon pioneered online retail, totally revolutionizing how people shop and in the process, disrupting countless retailers that came before it.

But it isn’t done yet and one of its most audacious projects launches today in Seattle, Washington, the home of its headquarters.

Four digital transformation secrets, revealed

After years of discussions, digital transformation has finally become a reality at many organisations.

And along with actual transformation projects has come the realisation that digital transformation in practice is quite different than digital transformation in theory.

What Amazon’s entry into the pharmacy market might mean for pharma marketers

Amazon’s unrelenting drive to take over the world continues. The latest potential target of the online retailer’s ambitions: prescription drugs.

According to reports, Amazon is exploring entering the retail pharmacy market in the U.S., a $400bn a year business that many believe is ripe for disruption. While a final decision has apparently not yet been made, it’s not too early for pharma marketers to start considering the prospect of Amazon entering this huge market.