Digital Strategy

Should brands be worried about the possible repeal of net neutrality rules?

The potential repeal of the 2015 net neutrality rules that were implemented in the U.S. by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has sparked an outcry from consumers, consumer rights groups, businesses and trade organizations.

Under a proposal unveiled last week, ISPs would, among other things, no longer be banned from charging companies to prioritize the delivery of their content or restricting access to particular online services that utilize significant resources.

US online sales to surpass in-store sales this holiday season: report

Every year, online retail smashes new records during the holiday shopping season and this year is expected to be no exception. In fact, 2017 could be the year in which a significant symbolic milestone is achieved.

According to global consultancy Deloitte, for the first time ever this holiday shopping season, American shoppers will buy more online than they purchase offline.

Google ditches first click free, embraces paywalls

This week, Google killed its ‘first click free policy’, which required that publishers employing a paywall offer Google Search and Google News users three free articles per day. Those that didn’t saw their search rankings demoted.

For years, publishers complained that first click free policy made it difficult for them to maximize their subscription revenue. Yet many chose to follow it rather than give up Google referral traffic.