Big data

Two innovative ways brands will use web analytics in 2017

To many brands, web analytics is all about reporting. They use their website data to see which pages are popular, track their site’s bounce rate, and understand the customer journeys which drive conversions.

But in 2017, argues Tealium’s Andy Clark, we will see the role of web analytics greatly expanded. It will, he states, be used both to enhance external communications as well as internal analysis.

How the beauty industry is embracing the Internet of Things

It’s fair to say that connected devices are fairly commonplace these days. Many people own a smart TV or use a smartwatch.

What we might be a little less familiar with is this type of technology being used in a different context – let’s say, while cleaning our teeth or brushing our hair for example.

Four key features to appreciate about Google Trips

Google has been increasing its focus on travel for a while now.

Along with recent updates to its online airfare comparison tool, Google Flights (which now tells users the cheapest times to book tickets), it’s also launched its first native app in the sector.