

What is paid search (PPC) and why do you need it?

Paid search marketing is known in the marketing and advertising industry by many different names (and abbreviations). Search engine marketing (SEM, which can include SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), search engine advertising, sponsored listings… the list goes on. And that’s before you start to involve the names of specific advertising programmes and ad types, such as Google […]

Can Google conquer programmatic outdoor advertising? We ask the experts

Last week came the news from WirtschaftsWoche that Google intends to make a foray into out-of-home (OOH) advertising in Germany.

Whilst programmatic OOH is nothing new (the automated buying of digital outdoor space) and allows advertisers to change their messaging according to variables such as time, date, weather and sports results, Google’s trump card is the personal data it has access to, partly through the Android smartphone operating system.

NTUC Income’s Jennifer Villalobos: The definition of brand as we know it “is completely lost”

Jennifer Villalobos is a true ‘digital diva’. After a decade of leadership roles at Google, Ms. Villalobos now heads Digital Business & Strategic Partnerships at one of Asia’s largest insurance firms: NTUC Income.

For those in the Singapore region, Ms. Villalobos will be discussing some of her experiences, offering insights about the digital landscape and even giving some career advice at our upcoming event ‘Digital Divas’ on Friday, August 17th.  Click here to find out more and request your seat!

The state of natural language & conversational search in 2018

As human beings, we use our voices for conversation. When we interact with voice interfaces, therefore, our natural instinct is to apply the same rules that we would to a human conversation.

We expect to be understood, but more than this, we expect the entity we’re conversing with to remember the history of our conversation and understand the context of any following remarks.

GDPR Day 1: complaints filed against Google and Facebook

After months of anticipation and preparation, on Friday, the GDPR went into effect and privacy advocates, eager to put the law to the test, wasted no time challenging the practices of the internet’s two biggest names.

Hours after the GDPR became the law of the land, a non-profit organization called None Of Your Business (NOYB) lodged complaints against Google and Facebook, including Facebook subsidiaries Instagram and WhatsApp, with four different European authorities.

Five lingering questions about Google’s move to mobile-first indexing

Google’s move to mobile-first indexing is under way, but there’s still a lack of clarity in a number of areas.

Remember that with mobile-first, Google’s going to be primarily crawling and indexing the mobile version of your website, and using that to determine rankings. This is an idea that Google first mooted in 2016 but has only recently started cautiously rolling out, with plenty of testing to make sure things run smoothly.