20 stunning examples of minimal mobile UI design

Some of the best web and mobile app designs have a very limited colour range. Two or three colours can be more than enough, and I find that a restrained approach to colour works especially well on de-cluttered interfaces. 

The use of colour in design is a bit like great music, where balance, contrast, restraint and dissonance all come into play. I picked out monochrome and hypercolour as two of my 18 web design trends for 2014, but perhaps trichromatic design is where it’s really at?  

UK creative industries make £8m an hour

By 2025 the UK will become the global ‘creative services hub’, according to the predictions of the Creative Industries Council.

Currently £8m an hour is generated by the sector that includes advertising, marketing, design and publishing, as well as architecture, arts, craft, fashion, games, music, and TV and film.

To promote the UK creative industries on a global stage, a new website has also been launched.

The website is part of industry and Government efforts to create a unified approach towards, amongst other things, digital infrastructure. 

British success stories such as Burberry, enjoying a renaissance through design and advertising, are highlighted, with the Creative Industries Council hoping that 2014 will be a ‘year of creativity’, with UK creative industries taking centre stage globally.

I thought I’d round up some facts and figures from the new website about the growing importance of creative to the UK economy.

Baidu’s Zeitgeist 2013: stats and trends

Last month we looked at 2013’s UK edition of Google’s Zeitgeist which always proves an interesting overview of the most popular trends in our search behaviour over the year.

But as China gears up to celebrate the start of its new year, let’s turn to Baidu to see how search habits in the east might compare.

These stats and trends, as well as a wealth of Christmas ecommerce data can be found in the latest edition of our Internet Statistics Compendium.

Marketing salaries are on the rise: stats

It’s a good time to be a senior marketer, with the average salary of a marketing director rising by 14.4% over the last 12 months. 

According to Marketing Week’s Salary and Career Survey 2014, senior marketing director’s pay packets increased from £75,345 to £86,165 on average. 

The survey of 3,000 marketers found that the news was less cheerful for mid-tier marketers though, with an average increase of 3.6%. 

Let’s take a closer look at the stats…