
Rich Hingley headshot with pull quote

A day in the life of… Group Creative Director at a creative communications agency

Rich Hingley is Group Creative Director at drp, a creative communications agency. We caught up with him to find out about a day in his life, why risk aversion is the nemesis of creativity, why he’s open to inspiration from anywhere, and why running is better than the internet… (If you’re looking for a change of role, don’t forget to check the Econsultancy jobs board).

10 signs that programmatic advertising is reaching maturity

If you read the press you’d be forgiven for thinking programmatic advertising is in decline.

But for all the noise about brand safety, viewability, fraud and kickbacks – programmatic is maturing fast. A range of new technologies and initiatives have got many in the industry hopeful that 2018 could be a big year for programmatic.

Adobe’s hilarious stock photo campaign: Why it works

We all know what every woman looks like when eating a salad, right?

The image below is just one example of the hilariously bad stock photos we all love to hate – and it has now become immortalised as part of Adobe’s new creative marketing campaign.

10 examples of great IKEA marketing creative

As a married man only a month resident in my first owned home, IKEA is a big part of my life. The brand is frequently cited as a master of branding, marketing and advertising. So, here are 10 examples of fantastic marketing creative from IKEA. 1. Free cot ad (for babies conceived on Valentine’s Day) […]

Algorithmic analysis of facial expressions? Don’t make me laugh.

Mediacom has teamed up with Realeyes, the latest company to offer so-called ’emotional analytics’.

But, with the advertising landscape so chock-full of tech at the moment (even on the creative side – see CMPs and DCOs), do agencies and advertisers really need to be pointing web cams at people’s faces to know if a video ad is good or not?

Here are, to my mind, some pros and cons of this new technology.