
Three top retailers share their marketing attribution stories

Marketers continue to be ambitious with creative digital campaigns and cross-device usability as new technologies emerge, but many still don’t truly understand which channels are actually working.

Attribution may not be the most exciting subject, but measuring the success of your marketing channels should play an integral role in your marketing strategy.

Don’t take my word for it – top brands successfully riding the omnichannel wave are proving that it works.

Social ROI: how to measure the value of social media

Marketers are investing more in social media yet many are struggling to effectively measure the business value of their activity.

The volume and real-time nature of social media metrics, as well as the multitude of analytics tools available, is overwhelming and can make social media simultaneously the most measurable channel and the one that is most difficult to measure.

Do companies understand the customer journey?

Understanding the customer journey is becoming increasingly complex as the number of digital and offline touchpoints proliferate.

However it’s important to try and create an accurate map of how customers are interacting with a brand in order to optimise marketing channels and campaigns.

But to what extent are brands able to properly understand the customer journey?

KLM: We make €25m per year from social media

When trying to improve your digital marketing skills it’s advisable to learn from the best in the business.

In social media that means taking a lesson from KLM, an airline that can achieves €25m in social sales each year.

At Econsultancy’s Festival of Marketing today KLM’s social media manager Karlijn Vogel-Meijer gave an insight into the company’s strategy, which is built around a laser focus on the customer experience.

The talk kicked off with a reminder of a very important rule for social marketers: you’re a guest at someone else’s party.

Q&A: Jared Field on PPC strategy at REISS

It’s pleasing to have so many upper case letters in a headline.

I sent some questions to Jared Field, PPC specialist at high street fashion retailer, REISS.

It’s an interesting time for the retailer, with increased numbers of stores and successful expansion into the USA.

Here’s what Jared had to say about life on the PPC shop floor.

2017 Measurement and Analytics Report

Nine takeaways from Digital Cream Sydney

My circadian rhythms are still lost somewhere off the coast of California, but the rest of me is back in New York after a fantastic week in Australia, where I attended Digital Cream Sydney and visited with marketers around the city.

It was a pleasure and inspiration to meet so many smart, creative people and to hear what they’re excited about (and frustrated by) in digital marketing.

What is marketing attribution and why do you need it?

In this post I take a term that you’re all probably well aware of and try to enlighten myself, and hopefully the few of you who are just as baffled as me, on its actual meaning.

As I dive deeper and deeper into the world of digital marketing even more words and phrases float up to reveal themselves, particularly ones that perhaps are more on the business end of the spectrum.

Last week I shot my investigative glare towards Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and Single Customer View (SCV). This week: attribution.

How can businesses track the customer journey in a multichannel world?

Smartphones can support impulsive purchasing – browsing a retailer’s website while waiting in a supermarket queue and clicking ‘buy now’, for instance.

Meanwhile, the widespread use of tablets as second screens presents the opportunity to make purchases, perhaps in response to advertisements, from the comfort of your sofa.

Digital window-shopping, or showrooming, is common among smartphone users and often leads consumers into physical stores to try on or test products, or to making online purchases from another device at another time.