Behavioural targeting

Will digital phenotyping ever be applied to pharma marketing?

The landscape for pharma marketing is changing rapidly and pharma companies are being forced to rethink how and to whom they market.

For example, it’s now reasonable to talk about the possibility of a pharma company shunning sales reps entirely and instead using digital channels to reach healthcare professionals and patients directly – an approach that probably would have seemed unthinkable less than a decade ago.

A beginner’s guide to Facebook Custom Audiences

Thanks to its treasure trove of data, in little more than a decade, Facebook has fast become one of the most important marketing channels for many businesses.

But for many marketers, Facebook’s most productive targeting functionality is Custom Audiences, which allows marketers to deliver Facebook ads to users they’re already interacting with.

Verizon wants customers to give up their data for targeted ads, and it’s willing to pay

Thanks to acquisitions exceeding $100bn in recent years, the largest internet service providers (ISPs) in the US are set to become some of the most dominant digital ad players.

But while there has been significant concern that the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) roll-back of consumer broadband privacy rules raises the possibility that ISPs could use their treasure troves of data without customers’ permission, the largest ISP in the US appears to be taking a more cautious approach than it might legally have to when it comes to exploiting customer data.

How Food52 successfully combines content and commerce

While many publishers are trying to find new content streams within the retail sector, few have managed to marry the two worlds of content and commerce like Food52.

First launched in 2009 as a small online food community, Food52 now has an average of 11m monthly visitors across various platforms, including an impressive 1.7m followers on Instagram. Meanwhile, it generates two-thirds of its revenue from sales in its online shop. 

Facebook adds value optimization to ad bidding & Lookalike Audiences

By some estimates, upwards of 85 cents of every new dollar spent on digital ads today is going to Google or Facebook.

That’s not just a result of the fact that both companies have massive audiences, but also a result of the fact that both companies continue to offer marketers more and more options for targeting those audiences.

Bloomberg’s Trigr will let advertisers deliver custom ads based on market conditions

There’s an old saying, “Timing is everything,” and if Bloomberg has its way, advertisers will be able to capitalize on that like never before.

As detailed by AdAge, the financial software and media giant used its NewFronts event on Monday to unveil Trigr, a new offering that allows advertisers to deliver custom creative and content based on specific conditions in the financial markets.