Behavioural targeting

Google courts enterprise marketers with launch of Analytics 360 Suite

Google has unveiled Analytics 360 Suite, “a complete measurement platform” targeted at enterprise marketers.

According to Google VP of Analytics, Display and Video Products, Paul Muret, Google Analytics 360 Suite is designed to give marketers “a complete view of the consumer journey and then make sense of it all.”

Once they have insight, Google aims to help marketers drive results.

Can targeted social ads help pharma overcome drug pricing controversy?

Pharma companies are not doing a great job at reaching physicians through social, and their ability to advertise to consumers could be eliminated in the US if the American Medical Association (AMA) has its way.

But the pharmaceutical industry’s largest trade group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), isn’t targeting physicians or consumers in what could be its most important ad campaign.

2016: the year of programmatic creative?

As we know, programmatic technology has created a new industry and, consequently, had a major impact on the entire value chain between advertiser, agency, tech provider and media owner.

No one has been immune to this disruption – where attention has been almost solely focused on the automation of buying and selling, and how data and analytics are utilised.

Engagement is a better route to campaign accuracy than big data alone

It still surprises me that audience engagement remains overlooked as a key metric for campaign success, because focusing on engagement helps align all players in the market and satisfies both marketer goals and consumer needs.

Why is that? Well, for advertisers, having pricing options that are tied to consumer engagement rather than impressions ensures that we’re only paying for ads that are seen and engaged with.

How to embrace creativity in the programmatic age

If taking the lead on trends is part of your brand identity, then it follows that Topman should offer up a crop of fresh ideas in its creative strategy as much as on its shopfloor.

Last year, while it proffered cool military and camel styles to its sartorially conscious customers, Topman applied a creative programmatic strategy to the big fashion trend of khaki.

It shot the khaki look onto five different models, each of which matched to one of the brand’s five different types of customer.