
Why data will win the dating game, now Facebook is in the market

“Rivals should be utterly terrified,” The Motley Fool’s Senior Technology Specialist said of Facebook’s entry into the dating industry.

Such rivals seem to be masking that terror by expressing enthusiasm for the move or raising concerns about whether Facebook can be trusted with such personal data following the Cambridge Analytica revelations.

Will Facebook feel the love again with new dating service?

Speaking at Facebook’s annual F8 conference this week, Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company is building a ‘clear history’ tool to give users greater control over how their data is used.

In light of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, this is perhaps unsurprising, and a blatant effort to restore confidence and trust in users.

What Facebook and Instagram’s big API changes could mean for brands

In response to the ongoing scandal over its data collection, usage and sharing policies, Facebook has announced a slew of its changes to the Facebook and Instagram APIs. These APIs, or application programming interfaces, allow third parties to build applications that interact with Facebook and Instagram. 

The changes have the potential to affect a number of players that participate in the Facebook and Instagram ecosystems, including brands.

Five things we learned from Mark Zuckerberg’s Capitol Hill testimony

Last week, Facebook’s CEO donned a suit instead of a hoodie and made his way to Capitol Hill, where he was questioned by American lawmakers in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

That scandal, the largest the world’s largest social network has ever dealt with, has brought Facebook’s collection and use of data into the spotlight. With negative headlines being published daily and the threat of regulation on the horizon, the company’s public appearance shy chief, Mark Zuckerberg, had little choice but to go before lawmakers and answer questions.

No, ‘the media’ is not just out to get Facebook because it’s taking its advertising revenue

For the next couple of days, Mark Zuckerberg will testify before Congress in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

There is no doubt the most needling and awkward moments of the Facebook founder’s testimony will be reported by the press. After all, it’s going to make electric watching and reading to see one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs be brought back to earth with a bump.

Facebook will soon require marketers to confirm they have user consent for Custom Audiences

The long-term effects of Facebook’s ongoing data abuse crisis are still unclear, but one of the most popular and powerful tools Facebook offers marketers could be changing as a result.

According to reports that have since been confirmed by Facebook, the social media giant is planning to require that marketers using Custom Audiences certify to Facebook that they have obtained consent from the individuals whose data they provide to Facebook.