How it looks
While the Press Office page has much nicer photography than mine (see above), the below has been taken ‘in use’.
There appear to be two sizes of tablet set up in M&S. The first is a large set up which appears on its own (around three feet / a metre long).
The other is a smaller device (two feet to sixty centremeters in length), which is usually either part of a display (in the first example, next to bedding) or close to the payment desk (second example).
Both have integrated scanners and a card reader for purchases. The smaller one also has a printer.
The tablets are given prominence within the store and the screen changes to display promotions and calls-to-action.
There appears to be a myriad of functionality in the tablet.
Product browsing
First of all you can browse the product catalogue, as this Vine shows.
Barcode scanning
You can also scan barcodes to see product details, with the option to add to basket.
Watch me scan the bowl – it’s mesmerising…
Buyer’s guides
The tablet can also walk you through purchasing decisions. The one near the duvets asked me a series of questions before suggesting which bedding I should buy.
Buying items and printing shopping lists
You can buy on the tablet as well – and if you don’t have an email address you can print out a shopping list.
Unfortunately there was no unique barcode or reference number on the shopping list which would have tied the use of the tablet back to any purchase.
I also tried emailing the shopping list but unfortunately received nothing in my inbox (I checked the spelling and the spam folder – nothing there).
The keyboard was also difficult to use as the keys were too small and there was too much latency – leading to that frustrating experience of pressing a letter, waiting to see if it was correct, and then proceeding to either hit the backspace key or put in the next letter.
Is this the future?
It’s yet to be seen whether in-store tablets like the M&S example above will be the future of retail on the high street. But it’s an interesting experiment none the less.
What do you think?