Kath Pay

About Kath Pay

Kath Pay lives and breathes email marketing, she is not only a speaker and trainer but practices her art with her consultancy, Holistic Email Marketing, where she is Founder and CEO

email template

An email personalisation planning template (with brand examples)

There’s a sentence in Econsultancy’s Email Marketing Industry Census 2017 that leapt out at me.

It reads, “True personalisation at scale remains elusive for many businesses, though more companies are starting to reap the benefits.”

In this article I’ll look at where marketers are going wrong and give a simple planning template for email personalisation.

Email Marketing

More than just a name: why is the name of your email programme so important?

It sounds obvious but so many of us forget to focus on the objective whatever we are working on, an email campaign, a newsletter series or a solus email.

If you state your intent from the off, your path and destination (usually to conversion) are set. 

It often helps me to think of my objective as being two sides of the same coin. My aim is to sell to interested customers and those same customers are also looking to make a purchase of the product I am selling. 

ROI return on investment

How to use the ‘Rule of Three’ to increase email ROI

How Goldilocks, Aristotle and The Three Stooges can increase your email results…

The rule of three is one of the oldest in the book. Aristotle wrote about about the three unities in his book Rhetoric: dramatic unity of time, place and action.

Simply put, people tend to easily remember three things, thus making your messages sticky and engaging.