paid search

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Paid Search Best Practice Guide

Search engines are often the first port of call in the customer journey. Econsultancy’s Paid Search Best Practice Bundle covers everything businesses need to know about the complex and constantly evolving area of paid search advertising.

Tackling branded paid search in complex APAC markets

Local technology and expertise is the key to biddable media success in the APAC region.

I recently spoke to Hannes Ben, Chief International Officer at independent agency Forward3D, about the skills needed in APAC and the idiosyncracies of branded paid search.

PPC for beginners – the seven levels of campaign tracking

Getting to grips with PPC measurement?

Search campaign tracking can often be unsophisticated, working on a last click model, measuring revenue, transactions, ROI etc.

However, some more advanced marketers measure a bigger variety of variables, including profit margin, lifetime value and phone contacts.

Let’s look at the different levels of PPC campaign tracking.

PPC: a beginners’ guide to KPIs, budgets & agencies

There’s a lot to know about paid search advertising.

To mark the release of Econsultancy’s newly updated PPC Best Practice Guide, I’ve pulled together a brief intro to KPIs, budgets and resourcing for paid search.

The full guide is more than 350-pages long and includes the basics of setting up a campaign, to more involved cross-channel strategy.

How charities are suffering since Google removed right-hand PPC ads

We recently ran a piece around Google killing right hand side ads in SERPs, and the impact that might have on PPC activity. 

But the discussion so far has predominantly been around companies and agencies that are likely to have some level of flexibility within their display budgets. 

One group that will be impacted in a very different way is the charity sector, particularly those who rely on Google’s Ad Grants programme, which limits bids to just $2.

Are marketers overestimating mobile search?

Every month Google delivers results for about 50bn mobile searches, and in May the search giant revealed that mobile devices produce more searches than their desktop cousins in 10 countries, including the US and Japan.

So it’s no surprise that marketers are paying a lot of attention to mobile search, from ensuring that their sites live up to Google’s mobile-friendliness standards to pouring money into mobile paid search.