Trends Hub

Everything you need to know on the latest marketing and ecommerce trends and innovations, in one place

Trends reports

The Digital Transformation Monthly

This series distils the most important transformation stories across industries into a compendium of what business leaders need to know.

The Ecommerce Quarterly

This series of presentations by Econsultancy curates the latest trends, developments, and statistics in ecommerce.

Digital Shift

This quarterly digital trends webinar from Econsultancy, is intended as a guide to support strategic thinking.

The Social Quarterly

This series of presentations by Econsultancy curate the latest trends, developments and statistics in social media.


Digital Transformation

multicoloured ceramic plates

Building a Digital Culture

Pragmatic advice for marketers, HR professionals and other leaders about how to apply, support and promote a digital culture within teams and organisations, in order to enable greater agility and improved customer experience.


Digital Shift


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Webinar Catch-up

B2B - Econsultancy's Internet Statistics Database