Case Study of the Month | November 2023 | Editor’s pick

“From the product itself, which uses AI to solve a problem inherent within traditional cosmetics, to the functionality of the new website, DCYPHER is an excellent example of using a deep understanding of customer needs to inform your customer experience.”

— Rose Keen, Senior Analyst, Econsultancy


DCYPHER uses an AI-powered ‘Skin Tone Analyser’ to create highly personalised, custom-blended cosmetics. DCYPHER worked with digital ecommerce agency Reckless to build a new website with an enhanced Skin Tone Analyser experience.

DCYPHER’s new website launched with a faster, more streamlined Analyser that offered customers more product variety and was easier to use. An ‘invisible’ background app was developed using Laravel, which allowed advanced data flow for an improved customer journey. The new website’s design focused on brand credibility through reviews, user-generated content (UGC) and press coverage. The launch generated a 180% increase in users over four months and increased conversions.

Objectives and aims:

DCYPHER  had three objectives for its website and app launch:

  1. Develop a new website with enhanced UX
  2. Address technical issues to deliver advanced functionality and streamline internal efficiencies
  3. Deliver optimum technical SEO

Implementation, execution and tactics:

DCYPHER’s AI Skin Tone Analyser allows customers to scan their face three times to create custom-blended foundations and coverage drops matched to their exact skin tone.

An initial audit of the existing DCYPHER  website and Analyser identified the biggest areas for improvement. The greatest challenge came from limitations within the website platform DCYPHER used. The solution was to custom build a background Laravel app using an API to allow scanned skin tones and sales data to transfer between customers and the website. This data flow has allowed new features to be added that weren’t possible before, such as the ability to create an account, save skin tones for later or proceed to checkout. 

Customers can now save more than one skin tone, for example, naming a skin tone ‘summer’ or ‘winter’ in their account, providing them with easy access to past orders and seasonal changes to skin tones.

The new website also included location tracking for automatic currency adjustments based on the user’s country. All orders, returns and shipping are now automated, which has improved efficiency.  

The brand also prioritised technical SEO, due to the high level of third-party code housed on the website through the AI technology and Laravel app. Prioritising this ensures that Google can easily crawl and rank the site. Rapid page load speeds and optimum core web vitals implemented in the build meant that high performance and responsiveness could be delivered across all devices despite high traffic volumes.


  • 180% increase in users between May (launch date) and August
  • 3.5% conversion rate
  • 50.3% increase in website impressions between May and August
  • 100% technical SEO score with 0% core web vitals issues