On an initial browse, apart from being an improvement on the old site, nothing majorly impressive stands out.
However, there are a few features that are worth a mention, which certainly contribute to a winning user experience overall.
Here’s a roundup of the new site’s best bits.
Seamlessly integrated video
The decision to include such a large video on the homepage is a bold move.
However, seamlessly integrated into the page, it does not feel intrusive. In fact it could easily be mistaken for another image.
Thankfully, it’s also very fast, taking zero time to load.
Predictive search
Fat Face’s former site had a massive problem with its search function, often returning irrelevant and frustrating results.
(For more on this topic, read 24 best practice tips for ecommerce site search)
Now, it is predictive and fast, providing users with both identical matches and related items.
Visible availability of products
It might seem like a small feature, but the ability to see how many items there are in a category can be very helpful in aiding the customer journey.
The fact that this is visible at a glance and as part of each filter option is even better.
(Read up on best practice for ecommerce product filters here).
Imagery & zoom
The product pages include a large selection of images, with thumbnails on the left hand side.
The most pleasing part is that these automatically move up as you click through, meaning you don’t have to move your mouse.
Another thing I really like is that the images also pop out (by clicking the cross at the top right of an image).
What’s more, you can zoom in even futher.
This helps to give the user a real sense of how the product looks and feels in real life – which is still one of the biggest drawbacks of the online shopping experience.
Prominent and helpful reviews
As well as being prominently displayed, the reviews section includes a decent star rating system to give customers greater insight.
(You can read more on why you need consumer reviews in this article)
Likewise, the extra ‘true-to-size’ feature is a nice touch.
Product descriptions using images
Fat Face now includes illustrative designs on the product pages for its coats and jackets.
Nicely combining visual elements with helpful product descriptions, this draws the user’s attention to the item’s best features.
It’s a shame the retailer hasn’t made more of this.
This section feels a little hidden – and it could definitely be included across other categories, too.
As well as being helpful for customers, these images could create more consistency and greater brand identity across the site.
Free delivery prompt
The checkout process on Fat Face is fairly standard, however one thing that stands out is this nice prompt for free delivery.
‘Wait!’ creates a sense of urgency, and the amount needed to qualify encourages the customer to keep shopping.
Nearest store search
Lastly, the store finder is very easy to use, instantly bringing up results based on area or postcode.
Including comprehensive store details, such as maps and store services – this feature could also do with being promoted more prominently elsewhere on the site.